Many things divide us. From our skin color to our social status, everything is subject to exclusion. Integration is not easy for everyone. Sometimes it asks us to face rejection, our fears, our apprehensions, and it can lead us to mental or physical enclosure.

Art is also synonym with resistance, so I choose to dance this enclosure and its consequences.
In this video, the dark colored bag represents the confinement and the weight of the suffering and inequalities that surround us.

The music was created especially for this video. It underlines the sad energy that discrimination can generate. Exclusion, whatever its kind, ampli es our fears and sometimes prevents us from living freely and fully. Is not always easy to be able to cope with rejection. Some organizations are there to support us and good people around us too. Dance can be an outlet and an exceptionally good solution.

It is a great means of expression that can help ght everyday problems. Locked in a bag, overwhelmed by my fears, I make up my mind to evolve and face exclusion. When I leave my bag, it is like leaving the darkness. Inclusion makes me feel free and I can express it with my dance. Throwing away the bag at the end is the conclusion that dance can lead to inclusion and go beyond the limits given by the society and ourselves.

This is the artictic creation of Version Hip Hop:

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